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Account Information
First Name: *
Middle Initial:  
Last Name: *
Display Name: *
Email: *
Confirm Email: *
Create a Password: *
Confirm your Password: *
Company Information
Company Name: *
Address Line 1: *
Address Line 2:  
City: *
Country: *
State/Province: * *
Postal Code: *
Phone: *
Industry: *
* Privacy Policy, and you understand that by registering here, you may be signed into other OSIsoft services that use these credentials.
  * = required

If any of this information is incorrect or needs to be changed, please contact your Customer Portal Site Admin.

SSO Display Name Specifications

Your new display name must be 4 to 20 characters long. It may contain any combination of alphanumeric characters, as well as delimiters: underscore (_) or period (.). Spaces and other characters are not allowed.

SSO Company Name Specifications

Your Company name must be minimum 4 characters long.

SSO Password Specifications

Your new password must be at least 7 characters long and include at least 3 of these 4 categories

  • Lowercase character
  • Uppercase character
  • Number (0-9)
  • Special character (~!@#$%^&*_-+=`|\(){}[]:;"'<>,.?/)

Note: Enter local company address and not the registered company address

Note: Passwords must not contain 3 consecutive characters found in your display name as this can cause potential authentication issues/errors with your sign-in process.

Updating Your Contact Information

If you already have an OSIsoft Customer Portal User account, changing your email, first name, or last name from this page will also update appropriately in the OSIsoft Customer Portal. If you update your SSO email address, use the new email as the login for OSIsoft Customer Portal.

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